
The CSC Group will continue to consolidate its steel business as well as to diversify to expand its scope of operations. It will also ensure sustained development by enhancing international competitiveness.
Consolidation of the steel business
CSC has the following three objectives:
1. Timely expansion of operations, raising added value of products and increasing breadth and depth of product mix.
2. Rational adjustments of the structure of the domestic steel industry and promotion of competitiveness of the industry as a whole.
3. Formation of strategic alliances or partnerships to ensure the source of fuels, minerals and semi-finished products.

1. Involvement in the industries commercially, technologically and process-wise related to the steel industry.
2. Utilization of CSC's experiences in business administration, plant construction, and information integration to offer technical services involving knowledge resources.
3. Establishment of other core businesses, and participation in major national infrastructure projects and hi-tech investments.