Operation Concepts

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The four operation concepts, which were officially formed in September 1984, were first discussed in late 1981 when President T. H. Fu presided over a meeting of senior executives. The concepts are: promotion of social well-being, result orientation, implementation of teamwork, and emphasis on employees' self-realization.

  • We firmly believe in reciprocity, and will fulfill the role of a responsible corporate citizen. We aim at establishing the value of our existence as an asset to the society and the nation.

  • Efficiency is stressed to upgrade operation results and attain CSC's corporate objectives.

  • Cooperation, coordination, and teamwork are emphasized internally to reach CSC's corporate objectives. Externally, CSC cooperates with the downstream customers to generate mutual benefits and to help develop the domestic steel industry.

  • CSC regards its employees as a valuable asset to the company, and assists them to develop intellectually to fulfill their potential. Creativity and aggressiveness are encouraged. CSC employees are loyal to the company because their professional dignity and deserved rights are respected.